The number of coronavirus infections remains very high. In addition, cases of the real flu are likely to rise sharply in the coming weeks.
In the last week of the year, almost 190,000 people were sick in bed with flu-like infections—the real flu or coronavirus—and were unable to go to work. This means that the number of cases has decreased compared to the previous week. At that time (calendar week 51), around 300,000 people were still registered as sick with the health insurance fund (ÖGK). The figures include ÖGK-insured employees and recipients of unemployment benefits.
Wearing an FFP2 mask is simple and effective protection to prevent infection and the spread of COVID-19, as well as flu-like infections and real flu, emphasized ÖGK chief physician Andreas Krauter at the time.
Krauter now warns: “The Nordic countries of Europe are already reporting increased influenza virus activity. This has not yet reached our neighboring countries or Austria, but an increase is to be expected in the coming week.”
Everyone should, therefore, take the opportunity to get a flu vaccination. “A COVID vaccination is also recommended. Chronically ill people and people aged 60 and over in particular should get vaccinated, as there is an increased risk of the disease having serious consequences in these population groups,” says Krauter. To avoid infection, people should keep their distance. It is also important to wash and disinfect your hands regularly. A mask should be worn in busy places.
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